
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta memories. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta memories. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2023

My method of linking memories to learn more at this age

 It came  to my mind that I should start remembering by making connection.It all started because at work I have to prepare a presentation about the SDG. I chose 2 topics

1. Quality education

2. Health 

When I was preparing the material for the first topic, it ocurred to me what has always occured to me. I need organic memorization. 

So in thinking about what would be the best way to approach this, it came to my mind , suddenly, while I was studying kanji card  number 813, that the best method is by linking 

so from now on , just as shachachua does I will write about everything in detail. 

競馬 けいば horse race


When I was studying these kanjis ( the words ) inmediately this movie came to my
mind. When Takeshi and this boy go together to the horse race and bet some money 

jueves, 27 de julio de 2023

On the importance of having an agenda

Since I was a teenager, probably before, I used to have an agenda. 
The first official agenda I had was an agenda I was given at part of the excellence club at conalep. 

This was the first one I had. 
It contains a lot of motivational messages from famous people. Some of these people studied at conalep too.

Some messages I wish I had understood them earlier.