Eloquium is a language school based on Aguascalientes.We aim towards providing the best educational services in the city.
lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018
The problem of having very high expectations
The problem of having very high expectations is that if they are not fulfilled you are prompt to anger
domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018
sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2018
viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018
jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018
促す うながす urge
Llamar la atención.
Llamar a la participación
promote the growth(成長を促す)
miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018
Writing emails in japanese
This book is intended to teach you on how to write Emails in Japanese in various contexts
domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2018
Reasons to break up
She disrespected me
She lies, and she chats with other men.
She says hurtful things
Like she is not proud of me
Cuando alguien no acepta al otro es porque no se acepta a sí mismo
She does not have Intellectual goals
She does not look for me
Diagnostic evaluation to help you decide when to break up.
This article had helped me a lot to clarify my thoughts and to finally make a decision.
Today's conflict
Hoy cuando iba a acompañarla a cobrar su dinero para la posada a Coppel, como íbamos a Centro comercial Espacio, y aún no me siento seguro para llegar sin indicaciones, puse el GPS , pero el GPS viene en japonés.
Entonces, a ella le disgusta mucho el idioma japonés, no lo tolera, la otra vez ya habíamos tenido problemas relacionados con eso.
Entonces como tuvimos ese problema, yo trataba de ya no poner música en japonés.
Pero nunca pensé que el GPS en japonés le fuera a disgustar.
Pero sí le disgustó.
Sin embargo no logro entender la razón por la que le disgusta.
Bueno y como siempre el problema se hizo más grande
Por qué como ella estaba enojada, hablo son pensar y en cuanto llegamos dijo: Y yo me voy a ir en la 35.
sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2018
El norte de Aguascalientes y su tendencia conservadora
El norte de Aguascalientes es por excelencia la zona más conservadora del Estado. Ahí se encuentran varios indicios para poder afirmar eso. En primer lugar así viven los más adinerados del Estado. Se encuentran los fraccionamientos más exclusivos. Por ejemplo Pulgas Pandas, San Telmo, los bosques, jardines de la Concepción, etc.
Además están ahí los más elegantes centros comerciales, como Altaría, Galerías, etc. ¿A quien siendo rico le gustaría que el sistema cambiara?
También recientemente noté que una de las calles lleva el nombre del más conservador de los presidentes que hemos tenido hasta ahora. Porfirio Díaz. También se encuentra en el norte la sede del más conservador de los partidos políticos. El PAN. Al principio este partido era de oposición. Pero actualmente se lo ha tragado la ambición por el poder.
viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018
One day before vacation
Changing passwords
Sending auto reply mail
Decluttering desk
Programming meetings
Reserving rooms
jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018
miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018
lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018
What to do against cold
12 Toasty Tips for Staying Warm in Cold Weather
JANUARY 8, 2016
Using these tips, you can stay warm no matter how frightful the weather outside gets.
It's easier to change your body temperature than room temperature, not to mention more eco-friendly. Instead of turning up the heat, put on another layer of clothing.
Your mom may have said that you lose 80 percent of your body heat through your head, but that's not actually true. If you're otherwise clothed, you'll lose heat from any surface that's exposed. So put on your hat, even if you're inside.
Warm air rises to the ceiling. Run your fan on its lowest setting in a clockwise direction to push the warm air back down to where you can feel it.
Hot showers immediately warm you up, but cold showers improve blood circulation between your skin and organs. Cold showers are also correlated with a stronger immune system.
Keep heat in and cold out by cutting a pool noodle in half lengthwise, wrapping it in fabric, and sliding it under your door. It'll stay put all winter, and you can re-use it at the pool come summer. (But we recommend you spring for a new one.)
Another two words: Obvious, right?Stay toasty on schedule, so you never go home to a living room that's colder than outside. You can even do it with your smartphone.
Not everyone has access to adjust the thermostat in their apartment or office building. If that's the case, you may need to outsmart the device by making it "think" the room is colder than it actually is. Putting ice near it often does the trick.
If you're not wearing a tank top or going sleeveless, your windows shouldn't, either. Replace thin curtainswith heavier wool or fleece drapes in the winter. But be sure to open them on sunny days for free heat.
Using your oven heats up the whole house. You'll feel even cozier if you invite friends—and all their body heat—over to eat four dozen cookies.
If you're already interested in composting, here's another reason to do it: The microbial breakdown of organic material produces heat. Some people use it to warm up showers and greenhouses, but even small-timers in studio apartments can feel a difference.
It's intuitive, but fluffy blankets should be closer to your skin. Thin, dense blankets should be on top to prevent convective heat loss. Bonus tip: Don't put your bed directly against an exterior wall. You'll be warmer if you leave a little space.
You could just buy hand warmers, but you'll radiate pride and self-sufficiency if you make them yourself. All it takes is two Ziploc bags, water, and calcium chloride ice melt pellets from the hardware store.
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domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018
sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2018
Los verbos más comunes de todos los idiomas en imágenes.
Compra mi set de tarjetas que contiene solamente los verbos más usuales con imágenes en español, inglés y japonés y con oraciones modelo.
viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018
1. La Familia de los Modelos de Procesamiento de la Informació
Las personas tenemos una necesidad innata de aprender solo por el motivo principal de supervivencia, y la sociedad ofrece todo tipo de información para subsistir dentro de ésta; pero no toda la información que recibimos es necesaria ni es posible tampoco que se pueda almacenar en nuestro memoria, al ser demasiados datos, nuestro cerebro procesa y clasifica la información olvidando lo innecesario.
Los modelos que engloban esta familia ponen énfasis en el procedimiento de recopilación de la información ofreciendo capacidades para aumentar la inteligencia en general. Estos modelos tienen como objetivo que la información que se reciba sea procesada de forma eficaz, ofreciendo capacidades para que el sujeto pueda organizar la información, elabore por si mismo conceptos, que tenga la capacidad de saber abordar problemas, de razonar y de dominar cualquier tipo de información que a su juicio le haga falta.
A continuación presentamos los modelos que comprende esta familia:
Formación de Conceptos
El Modelo Inductivo Básico
La Indagación Científica y el Entrenamiento para la Indagación
La Memorización
Aprender a partir de Exposiciones Expositivas
La Inteligencia en Desarrollo
Investigaciones acerca de los Modelos de Procesamiento de Información
miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018
Is Aerobic Exercise the Key to Successful Aging?
Is Aerobic Exercise the Key to Successful Aging?
Aerobic activities like jogging and interval training can make our cells biologically younger; weight training did not have the same effect.
CreditJeenah Moon for The New York Times
By Gretchen Reynolds
Dec. 12, 2018
Aerobic activities like jogging and interval training can make our cells biologically younger, according to a noteworthy new experiment. Weight training may not have the same effect, the study found, raising interesting questions about how various types of exercise affect us at a microscopic level and whether the differences should perhaps influence how we choose to move.
There is mounting and rousing evidence that being physically active affects how we age, with older people who exercise typically being healthier, more fit, better muscled and less likely to develop a variety of diseases and disabilities than their sedentary peers. But precisely how, at an interior, molecular level, exercise might be keeping us youthful has not been altogether clear. Past studies have shown that exercise alters the workings of many genes, as well as the immune system, muscle-repair mechanisms and many other systems within the body.
Some researchers have speculated that the most pervasive anti-aging effects of exercise may occur at the tips of our chromosomes, which are capped with tiny bits of matter known as telomeres. Telomeres seem to protect our DNA from damage during cell division but, unfortunately, shorten and fray as a cell ages. At some point, they no longer safeguard our DNA, and the cell becomes frail and inactive or dies.
Many scientists believe that telomere length is a useful measure of a cell’s functional age.
But researchers also have found that telomeres are mutable. They can be lengthened or shortened by lifestyle, including exercise. A 2009 study, for instance, found that middle-aged competitive runners tended to have much longer telomeres than inactive people of the same age. Their telomeres were, in fact, almost as lengthy of those of healthy, young people. But that study was associational; it showed only that older people who ran also were people with extended telomeres, not that the exercise necessarily caused that desirable condition.
So for the new study, which was published in November in the European Heart Journal, many of the same scientists involved in the 2009 study decided to directly test whether exercise would change telomeres. They also hoped to learn whether the type and intensity of the exercise mattered.
The researchers began by recruiting 124 middle-aged men and women who were healthy but did not exercise. They determined everyone’s aerobic fitness and drew blood to measure telomere length in their white blood cells (which usually are used in studies of telomeres, because they are so readily accessible). They also checked blood markers of the amount and activity of each person’s telomerase, an enzyme that is known to influence telomere length.
Then some of the volunteers randomly were assigned to continue with their normal lives as a control or to start exercising.
Others started a supervised program of brisk walking or jogging for 45 minutes three times a week, or a thrice-weekly, high-intensity interval program consisting of four minutes of strenuous exercise followed by four minutes of rest, with the sequence repeated four times.
The final group took up weight training, completing a circuit of resistance exercises three times a week.
Researchers monitored people’s heart rates during their workouts, and the exercisers continued their programs for six months. Afterward, everyone returned to the lab, where the scientists again tested fitness and drew blood.
At this point, the volunteers who had exercised in any way were more aerobically fit.
There were sizable differences, however, between the groups at a molecular level. Those men and women who had jogged or completed intervals had much longer telomeres in their white blood cells now than at the start, and more telomerase activity. The weight trainers did not. Their telomeres resembled those of people in the control group, having remained about the same or, in some instances, shortened during the six months.
These results would seem to indicate that exercise needs to be aerobically taxing to extend telomeres and slow cellular-level aging, says Dr. Christian Werner, a cardiologist and researcher at the University of Saarland in Germany, who led the new study.
“In the parameters we looked at, endurance exercise was clearly ahead of resistance training,” he says.
The reasons might lie with differences in intensity, he adds. “Even though resistance exercise was strenuous,” he says, “the mean pulse rate was much lower than with running,” resulting in slighter blood flow and probably less physiological response from the blood vessels themselves. Those who did resistance training would have produced less of a substance, nitric oxide, that is thought to affect the activity of telomerase and contribute to lengthening telomeres.
But the findings do not indicate that weight training does not combat aging, he says. Like the other workouts, it improved people’s fitness, he says, which is one of the most important indicators of longevity.
Over all, he says, the results underscore that differing types of exercise almost certainly lead to potentially synergistic impacts on our cells and bodily systems. In future studies, he and his colleagues would like to study the cellular effects of various combinations of endurance and strength training.
But for now, the message of the new study, he says, is that exercise of any kind may change the nature of aging, even for people who already are middle-aged. “It is not too late,” he says, “to keep your cells young.”
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How to Be More Empathetic
Trying to imagine how someone else feels is often not enough, researchers have found. Luckily, the solution is simple: Ask them.“For me, the core of empathy is curiosity,” said Jodi Halpern, a psychiatrist and bioethics professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who studies empathy. “It’s what is another person’s life actually like in its particulars?”
Try It:
Start conversations with strangers or invite a colleague or neighbor you don’t know well to lunch. Go beyond small talk – ask them how they’re doing and what their daily life is like.
Follow people on social media with different backgrounds than you have (different race, religion or political persuasion).
Put away your phone and other screens when you’re having conversations, even with the people you see every day, so you can fully listen and notice their facial expressions and gestures.
Don’t just stand in someone else’s shoes, as the saying goes, but take a walk in them, said Helen Riess, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School and chief scientist of Empathetics, which provides empathy training for health care practitioners.
Attend someone else’s church, mosque, synagogue or other house of worship for a few weeks while they attend yours, or visit a village in a developing country and volunteer. Spend time in a new neighborhood, or strike up a conversation with a homeless person in your community.
If someone’s behavior is bothersome, think about why. If it’s your teenager, for instance, start by acknowledging that he might feel stressed, but go further: Consider what it’s like to live his daily life – what his bus ride is like, how much homework he has and how much sleep he gets.
Working on a project with other people reinforces everyone’s individual expertise and humanity, and minimizes the differences that can divide people, said Rachel Godsil, a law professor at Rutgers and co-founder of the Perception Institute, which researches how humans form biases and offers workshops on how to overcome them.
Work on a community garden.
Do political organizing.
Join a church committee.
If you have experienced grief or loss, join with others who have experienced something similar.
“My magic potion would be for communities to have meaningful, heartfelt projects that speak to their grief and vulnerabilities,” Dr. Halpern said.
For example, she found in her research that when women from the former Yugoslavia joined together across ethnic groups to help find the missing bodies of family members, they came to care for and respect each other despite their ethnic groups’ conflicts. Similarly, Israeli and Palestinian families who have lost an immediate family member to the violence there come together in a group called Parents Circle - Families Forum.
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018
Mientras, al づづ
Pruebo la comida mientras cocino.
Pruebo la comida al cocinar.
Me quedé dormido al estar pensando.
Me quedé dormido mientras pensaba.
Antes de que , en lo que, mientras うちに
Voy a salir en lo que mi mamá está dormida.
Voy a escribirlo antes de que se me olvide.
Hay que acumular experiencia mientras uno es joven.
viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018
When to take a power nap
El concepto power nap, que vendría siendo una siesta corta para recuperar la energía, está mucho más de moda ahora y hoy conocemos mejor sus beneficios. La idea es tomar una pequeña siesta que te ayude a recuperar la energía.
Ya sea que estés cabeceando en la oficina durante la tarde, trabajando un turno doble o el turno nocturno o simplemente luchando con la fatiga al manejar de regreso a casa, una power nap puede hacer que estés más alerta y productivo, pero solo si la utilizas de la forma correcta.
Los científicos han estudiado el poder de la power nap: cuándo tomarla, cómo tomarla, qué hacer después de tomarla y de ahí en adelante toda la información alrededor de esta práctica. Sus resultados sugieren que los siguientes pasos podrán ayudarte a sacar el mejor provecho de una power nap.
Encuentra el mejor lugar. Una encuesta por la National Sleep Foundation encontró que el 30% de los empleados en Estados Unidos tienen permitido dormir en el trabajo y algunos de los empleadores inclusive ofrecen lugares para que lo hagan. Si tu trabajo no tiene un espacio adecuado, puedes usar tu auto.
Si estás manejando deberás encontrar un área de descanso donde estacionarte. Siempre apaga el auto y pon el freno de mano. Si es de noche es importante estacionarte en un lugar donde haya gente a tu alrededor y debes cerrar las puertas con seguro.
Apaga tu teléfono celular y cualquier otra distracción posible. En caso de que el ruido a tu alrededor sea demasiado, puedes usar tus audífonos con música relajante. Al dormir durante el día, puedes usar lentes oscuros para evitar que la luz inhiba tu sueño.
Toma café antes de tu siesta. Puede parecer contraproducente pues la cafeína es estimulante, pero su efecto no es inmediato, toma unos 45 minutos en ser absorbido por el cuerpo. Al tomar café 20 minutos antes de la siesta podrás tener más energía al despertar.
Pon tu alarma para 15 minutos. Esto solo funciona cuando te puedes quedar dormido de inmediato. Para saber el tiempo que te toma quedarte dormido puedes ver la hora a la que te acuestas y justo antes de que te quedes dormido. Si sueles aplazar la alarma, te recomendamos alejar la alarma de ti para que no puedas regresar a dormir.
Pon un aviso afuera de tu oficina. Si te es posible, avisa que estás tomando una power nappara que no te molesten durante este tiempo. Puedes presentar los estudios y beneficios de esta práctica en caso de ser necesario. Incluso si no duermes, cierra tus ojos y medita. Una power nap captura los beneficios de las primeras dos etapas del sueño.
Levántate en cuanto suene la alarma. Dormir más de 20 minutos puede ser contraproducente. Al dormir más de 30 minutos puede que tu cuerpo se sienta más cansado que antes de la siesta. Puedes continuar con un poco de actividad física para incrementar tu ritmo cardíaco. También es recomendable lavar la cara y exponerse a la luz brillante para así reforzar el sentirse despierto.
Con estos consejos para tomar una power nappodrás sacar el mejor provecho a estas reparadoras siestas que te ayudarán a mejorar tu desempeño laboral y mantenerte alerta y productivo por más tiempo.
Que significa power nap
Para que sirve
Que han investigado los científicos
Dónde puedes tomar la power nap
Porque crees que debes poner el seguro del coche
Que otra cosa debes hacer cuando toma power nap en el coche
Por que debes tomar café antes
Para que debes poner la alarma
Para que debes avisar que estás tomando power nap ?
Por qué es importante levantarse en cuanto suene la alarma
jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018
miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018
Takt time
Takt time is the frequency at which one part should be produced to meet the customers requirements it is the heart beat of the manufacturing process.
Takt is the German word for a baton that an orchestra conductor uses to regulate the tempo of the music.
Method of calculation
Available minutes for production/required units of production=takt time.
martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018
Andrés Manuel López Obrador Timeline.
1.12.2018 Toma de protesta de Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
25 Housecleaning Tips to Keep Your Home in Tip-Top Shape Year-Round
DEC 26, 2018
25 Housecleaning Tips to Keep Your Home in Tip-Top Shape Year-Round
If you lead a busy lifestyle, you know the drill. You start off the week with a mostly clean, tidy house (depending on how many chores you achieved over the weekend). By midweek, though, you realize that you haven’t put away your dry-cleaning and haven’t folded your laundry. There’s a growing stack of mail in the hallway, a used gym bag by the door, a pile of fresh laundry on the bed, dirty dishes in the sink (and clean ones in the dishwasher, which didn’t just finish its cycle).
To top it off, your vanity looks as if a bomb went off in the beauty aisle at Saks. By Friday, the house is a full-blown disaster zone—that is, until you rest from your week and tackle the massive (and much-needed) tidying-up job. Then the cycle starts all over again. Do yourself a favor and adopt these clever daily house cleaning tips so you never have to spend precious weekend tidying up. We promise it’s quicker than you think. Keep scrolling to study up on the house cleaning tips that will transform the state of your home permanently.
Make the bed as soon as you get up. Making the bed first thing in the morning will kick-start your productivity levels and make it that much harder to crawl back into bed.
Wipe your bedside table each morning. Keep wipes near your bedside table, and give your bedside table a quick wipe when picking up your phone in the morning. That’s one less chore to tackle on the weekend.
Edit your closet as you go. Keep a hamper or bag in your closet where you can throw items of clothing that don’t work anymore as you’re getting ready in the morning. Sort through it once a month, and toss, donate, or sell.
Immediately rehang items you wore. Don’t just throw clothes on a chair if they can be worn once more before laundry day—hang them. Keep dry clean–ready items in a separate section of your closet.
Have a dedicated hamper for every person in your home. One hamper is not enough. Have a laundry basket for each person in your house, plus an extra one for linens. If you’re feeling extra organized, use hampers that have two baskets in each so you can separate whites in advance.
Start a wash cycle as soon as you get home. If you have enough laundry, start a wash cycle first thing in the evening so you have time to dry and fold. Don’t ever let unfolded laundry make it into your bedroom. Keep a folding area near your washer/dryer, and be ruthless about folding/ironing as soon as the drying cycle is done.
Spray your shower with cleaner after each shower. Give your shower a quick clean daily by spraying it with cleaner, quickly wiping surfaces, and letting it rinse out.
Hang towels on bars and robes on hooks. Your towels need to properly air-dry in order to be able to reuse them two to three times. Make sure they’re properly hung to dry. If you’re a bathrobe person, a dedicated hook for it in the bathroom will make your space feel a little more like a hotel room.
Keep a laundry hamper in your bathroom for towels. Your bathroom is not a hotel; don’t leave towels on the floor or in the tub. If they’ve gone past their three-day use, quickly throw them in the hamper.
Clear your countertops of clutter. We get it; mornings get busy. Make a point at night to clear out and put away every product that was used to get ready in the morning.
Clean your toilet during your nighttime routine. The time you need to brush your teeth and wash your face is probably the exact time you need to let an average toilet cleaner product work before giving it a quick scrub. Use a wipe to quickly clean the seat. Doing this every other day will keep your toilet neat in between deep cleans.
Wipe down countertop after getting ready for bedtime. Once your nighttime beauty routine is done, give your bathroom countertops a quick wipe. Keep a stash of cleaning products in your vanity to make this process seamless.
This Is How Often You Should Clean Your Home, According to Science
Empty the dishwasher while you brew your coffee. It should be ready for your breakfast dishes so they don’t pile up in the sink and sit there all day.
When you notice a spill, clean it right away. It’s easier to notice tiny spills in broad daylight, so inspect your countertops and floors in the morning. While it’s easy to tell yourself oh, I’ll just take care of that when I clean this weekend, getting it done will get you into the habit of cleaning as you go.
Swap out your dish towel. It turns out that dish towels should be changed more often than we think, so get into the habit of swapping them out in the morning and tossing the old ones into the laundry basket.
Clean as you cook. There are two types of cooks in this world: those who clean as they cook and those who don’t. Learn to be the former by starting with your prep work and cleaning that before you start cooking. Once your meal is ready, quickly rinse utensils before sitting down to eat. It will make it much easier to clean up after a meal.
Fill and start the dishwasher at night. Don’t leave it until the morning, no matter how tempting it is to go lie down in front of Game of Thrones. Do it during commercials if you must, but get it done.
Wipe countertops and cooking surfaces.Wipe down your counters and stove each night before you go to bed. Get into the habit of wiping the microwave after each use. You’ll love waking up to a spotless kitchen.
Living Room
Keep baskets in every room. Once a day, do a quick walk-through of each space. Fill up your basket with accumulated clutter, and leave it by the door. Put each item back in its place first thing when you get home.
Wipe down your coffee table and side tables during commercial breaks. While watching your favorite show, there’s bound to be a moment when you have to endure the inevitable commercial break. Take the time to quickly wipe down your living room tables.
Fluff your pillows after each use. Get into the habit of fluffing your pillows when you turn the TV off. You wouldn’t leave your TV on all night, so why would you leave your pillows deflated?
These Bathroom Cleaning Hacks Will Convince You to Tackle the Chore
Keep your bag, keys, and coat in the same spot. Make it easy to get out the door in the morning by having everything you need to organize in the same spot.
Take out the trash and recycling when you leave the house. You can alternate days between the two, but getting into this habit will prevent from having garbage pile up at home.
Keep a mail sorter in the entryway. Drop your mail in when you get in your house, and empty your tray once a week when paying bills. Unless you’re waiting for something urgent, most mail can wait a few days. That way you’ll keep everything in one spot and address it in bulk. Store paperwork immediately—or even better: Go paperless, and scan everything.
Immediately launder and store workout gear. Don’t leave your gym bag to linger. Sort the dirty clothes, and store away the rest.
And now, the best natural cleaning products to add to your housekeeping arsenal.
This story was originally published on May 24, 2016, and has since been updated.
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