The cold war came to an end in _______
when the soviet union dissintegrated 15 new countries were born.
Soviet union was in eastern Europe
Countries changed from being communist to being democratic
The EU was created in
Namibia became independent in
Angola war was over in
The arabic israel conflic started
The war between Kosovo and Chechenia was from
The war against the terrorism started in
All of this is the post cold war
In 1998 PRI ruled Mexico
The first time Mexico allows international observers during an election was in 1988
The PRD was called FDN in the beginning
TLCAN was given gradually after some small changes that led to its sign in 1994
During this period the ruling party changed for the first time in history from PRI to PAN
Mexico has some traditional positions towards foreign policy
no intervention and sovereight protection
However these principles became a little bit more flexible in the interest of economy.
For instance
Salinas government Mexico belonged to the following regional economic organizations
During Zedillos government there was an economic crisis. Also is government was forced by the international system to adopt some radical national changes regarding human and political rights. Finally, by accomplishing these requirements Mexico could get some benefits such as a trade agreement with the European Union.
Some meaningful examples of these are the following.
Because during Zedillos government there were some political radical changes this led in the end to the change of regime.
The regime changed from PRI to PAN.
During his regime Fox had great political power, given to him by the change. This political strenght let him produce non reversible political changes in the legal mexican system and with regards to the international system.
Some examples are
non permanent seat in the UN security council
The regime changed from PRI to PAN.
During his regime Fox had great political power, given to him by the change. This political strenght let him produce non reversible political changes in the legal mexican system and with regards to the international system.
Some examples are
non permanent seat in the UN security council
bigger role in the OEA
Lots of treaties
Fox main purpose was to improve Mexico USA relations, to improve migratory contidions
but 9 11 happened and that was not possible anymore because of USA more strict measures against
During Calderon government the most important and controversial agreement was the Merida initiative.
Lots of treaties
Fox main purpose was to improve Mexico USA relations, to improve migratory contidions
but 9 11 happened and that was not possible anymore because of USA more strict measures against
During Calderon government the most important and controversial agreement was the Merida initiative.